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Price 300K 100M


Geoff doesn't believe in "selling" real estate. As counselor, advocate, strategist, analyst, and expert negotiator, Geoff's role with his clients could best be described as "master facilitator." Since 2006, Geoff has been facilitating successful real estate transactions for his clients in Seattle and beyond.

The cornerstones of Geoff's approach to real estate are impeccable customer service, fierce loyalty to his clients, extraordinary skill for educating his clients on the home buying process, and an unwavering focus on rapid response to client needs. In real estate, "time is of the essence." Because of Geoff's "24/7/365" approach to real estate, Geoff's clients are often able to view a property in person, write an offer, submit it to the sellers, and get mutual acceptance, all before competing buyers have even had a chance to view the listing online. Whether it's sending the newest listings to his clients for review, arranging for them to tour a property, or preparing an offer for submission, Geoff prides himself on always being ready to move rapidly when circumstances require fast action. Rejecting high-pressure sales techniques in favor of honesty, Geoff believes that his candor with his clients engenders loyalty from them in return.

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